Also, unless something is wrong with your processing or time point
naming, you should get different volumes also for each time point in the
longitudinal stream. Manually open the aseg.stats and check to determine
if the problem is in way you processed the longitudinal data or when
creating the
Sorry, I'm not sure what you are trying to do. Can you send command lines?
On 5/9/17 6:42 AM, Ferdi van de Kamp wrote:
Hi all,
My question is twofold
using an user specified ROI in MNI512-space I ask Freesurfer to create
tables for both cross-sectionally& longitudinally processed data.
Hi all,
My question is twofold
using an user specified ROI in MNI512-space I ask Freesurfer to create
tables for both cross-sectionally& longitudinally processed data.
Mri_segstats performed over both cross-sectional data folders and
longitudinal data folders
However, when inspecting the data,