By post processing and stats, do you mean mris_preproc, mri_surf2surf,
and mri_glmfit? You can run v6 of those on data reconned with any
version of FS
On 7/28/2020 1:25 PM, Rachel Romeo wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I am working with some longitudinal data that was origina
External Email - Use Caution
I am working with some longitudinal data that was originally run through
troubleshooting/recon-all in freesurfer 5.3. A lot of time went into the
edits, so I definitely do not want to replicate these in freesurfer 6. Do I
need to run the postproces
Dear Martin,
thanks for your quick reply.
I am using version 5.1. I only have two timepoints per subject and I
took the snapshots from the independent runs. What bothers me is that
the difference is not present in the 001.mgz images, but seems to appear
later in the workflow.
Thanks again,
Hi Irene,
both images should be smoothed the same. You only have two time points
in each subject? Which FreeSurfer version are you using? And these
images are from the *.long.base directories (or are they from the
independent runs)?
On Thu, 2011-11-03 at 15:20 +0100, Irene Altarelli wrot