he problem with mri_convert.
> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 11:28:52 -0400
> From: Douglas Greve
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Error: nifti1Read(): unsupported slice
> timing pattern 5
> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Message-ID: <528a2fe4-289f-a3d0-9525-aae876
>From what I understand while going through, previous archives, a patch for
>mri_convert will do.
Unless there is another way to solve the problem with mri_convert.
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 11:28:52 -0400
From: Douglas Greve
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Error: nifti1Read(): unsupported
which file do you need?
On 9/19/17 9:11 AM, Jyothirmayi Vadlamudi wrote:
Hello Freesurfer users,
I am trying to run recon -all basic pipeline on CentOS x86-64 -
Freesurfer v5.1.0 .
I face the similar error as reported earlier by other users.
/nifti1Read(): unsupported slice timing pattern
Hello Freesurfer users,
I am trying to run recon -all basic pipeline on CentOS x86-64 - Freesurfer
v5.1.0 .
I face the similar error as reported earlier by other users.
nifti1Read(): unsupported slice timing pattern 5
In the previous archives, there are links provided, which are currently not