Re: [Freesurfer] CorticalParcellation for mask

2020-02-14 Thread Douglas N. Greve
Your can run mni152reg --s subject This will create a file calledsubject/ mri/transforms/reg.mni152.2mm.lta Then use mri_label2vol to map the aparc+aseg.mgz into the mni152 space using the --aparc+aseg flag and specifying the mni brain as the --template and the reg.mni152.2mm.lta as the --reg

[Freesurfer] CorticalParcellation for mask

2020-02-07 Thread sang ho shin
External Email - Use Caution Dear freesurfer experts, I am trying to make mask for '1027 ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal, 2027 ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal ' on MNI standard image (MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii) (FreeSurferColorLUT