The QDEC output does not quite report what you want to report. I would
run mri_glmfit-sim using --glmdir /path/to/qdec/folder and the same
parameters as you used for the monte carlo simulation. this will produce
several files including a summary/table file with the MNI305 coordinates
of most s
Dear FreeSurfer list,
When reporting coordinates of significant clusters found with Qdec, should
one report
1) the Talairach coordinates displayed immediately after running the
MonteCarlo correction (which I imagine are the center of gravity (CoG)
2) the max vertex Talairach coor
I see, makes sense! I had a second question, which I repeat below.
When reporting significant clusters, should one refer to the cluster by
1) its annotation label, e.g. "sig differences were found in the precentral
2) its max vertex as displayed after using the "Find clusters and go to
This is just the way that the interface was programmed. It was fairly
easy to add a button to run the correction, more difficult to pull that
information back into the interface in a reasonable way. I agree that it
makes using the interface less intuitive: once you get a button to
press, you c
ONe more question about this - when reporting significant clusters, should
one refer to the cluster by
1) its annotation label, e.g. "sig differences were found in the precentral
2) its max vertex as displayed after using the "Find clusters and go to
max" button, e.g. "significant differenc
I see that after having qdec apply MonteCarlo correction to a certain
contrast, the CWP cluster-wise probability is displayed. Those values,
however, are not displayed when the "Find clusters and go to max" button is
used, either before or after correction. WHy is that, when it seems that