What exactly is the problem? You only specified the lh.inflated, so it
is not unusual that that is the only thing you see. If it is that you
were expecting some activation (colors) on the surface, then try
reducing the threshold (4 is pretty high)
On 12/06/2016 05:41 PM, Shady Rahayel wrote:
I was conducting GLM analysis using the command line. Everything seemed to
work fine until I wanted to visualize the uncorrected significance map
using the following command (my glmdir folder for the contrast is
freeview -f
need more info, like command lines for mri_glmfit, mri_glmfit-sim, and
On 8/31/15 9:27 PM, Erik Lindberg wrote:
I am running mri_glmfit followed by mri_glmfit-sim
running the left hemisphere everything works perfect all the way to
the visualization in freeview - then I just chif
It will be easier to help, if you provide a much more detailed
description of what you did: the full command line, the version of
freesurfer, and all terminal output
(http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting this may help).
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Erik Lindberg
I am running mri_glmfit followed by mri_glmfit-sim
running the left hemisphere everything works perfect all the way to the
visualization in freeview - then I just chift the command to rh instead -
running exactly the same command and when I am opening my results in
freeview everything gets ye
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have run a Monte Carlo simulation and uploaded the results in freeview with the following command:
$ freeview –f /data/projects/oertelmatura/Neurodegeneration/fsaverage/surf/lh.inflated:overlay=/data/projects/oertelmatura/Neurodegeneration/qdec/MonteCarlo5000/lh-