[Freesurfer] Try to extract WM surface paceration to ASCII

2015-09-15 Thread xtong
Hi Freesurfer experts, I would like to register my test subjects to fsaverage and extract WM surface parcellation info into ascii files I think the surface registration and parcellation annotation is done correctly: *mri_surf2surf* --hemi lh --srcsubject MY_SBJ --sval-annot aparc --trgsubjec

Re: [Freesurfer] Need vertex in 2D template space

2015-06-22 Thread xtong
Hi Bruce, Thanks to your advise, the combination of *mri_surf2surf **my_subject* -> *fsaverage*(paint features to average brain) + *mris_convert -c *.ascii*(output features to ascii) works well, all my subjects can have the same number of vertice. And it looks like the original xyz coordinate