Dear Anastasia and Tracula users,
I ran the longitudinal pipeline of Tracula with my subjects and I finished
without error. However, I just realized now that I only added cingulum
gyrus ending but not the angular bundle. I am interested in tracts that
passes through hippocampus so angular bundle s
Dear Tracula users,
I reconstructed uncinate fasciculus using the latest version of Freesurfer
and Tracula. However, there seems to be a problem with produced stats files
in dpath folder
. I have -nan values for the center_avg variables in the file
and there is no ent
I am running TRACULA on one subject, I ran trac-all -prep without problem.
However, when I run trac-all -bedp, it is not successfully completed.
Although it says, all slices processed, it gives the error:
bedpostx_mgh: line 345: kill: (18735) - No such process
I am missing many outputs suc
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am running tracula v5.3.0 on OpenSuse. I successfully ra
n freesurfer
and trac-all-prep. However, when I try to run trac-all -bedp -c
dmrirc_file, I get the following
lices processed
lices processed
be great!
> Thanks,
> Doug
> Douglas Merkitch
> Neurological Sciences
> Rush University Medical Center
> Email:
> On Nov 9, 2015, at 6:39 AM, denizzgursel
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am running
Dear all,
I am running Tracula preprocessing on NIFTI files.
After running the command: trac-all -prep -c
I get the error:
mv -f /data_august/Deniz/freesurfer/traculaoutput/DTI_con_AbSa90/dmri/bvecs
Dear all,
I am very new to using TRACULA and Freesurfer. I am trying to apply tracula
on the provided tutorial data. When I ran the command trac-all -prep -c
dmrirc.tutorial, after eddy current correction, I get this error:
mv -f
Dear all,
I am very new to using TRACULA and Freesurfer. I am trying to apply tracula
on the provided tutorial data. When I ran the command trac-all -prep -c
dmrirc.tutorial, after eddy current correction, I get this error:
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