[Freesurfer] Monte Carlo simulations: documentation

2009-10-09 Thread c . k . tamnes
Dear Freesurfer users We have run some analyses on cortical thickness using Monte Carlo simulations (mri_glmfit-sim --sim mc-z) in FS 4.50. Can anyone advice me on documentation where this procedure is described? A paper where it has been used would also be very helpfull. Best Regards Christian

[Freesurfer] glm without class variable

2008-10-27 Thread c . k . tamnes
Hi, Does anyone know how to run a glm with only one continous variable and without a class variable? I would like to run mri_glmfit with age as the only variable, but I can't figure out how to do this without including and controlling for a class variable such as gender. I have run the command:

[Freesurfer] error: mris compute white volume

2008-08-20 Thread c . k . tamnes
Dear freesurfers, I get an error message while running recon-all on two on my subjects (on both version 4.02 and 4.05 on a CentOS linux station). It seems to be the same error that is described earlier this summer by Sky Raptentsetsang. The error message is: MrisComputeWhiteVolume: src (14, 721,