[Freesurfer] Lesion Heatmap question - follow up

2021-03-23 Thread XY XY
External Email - Use Caution Thanks Douglas, "mri_convert lesionmap.mgz -at samseg.m3z lesionmap.mni152.mgz" worked fabulously after some tweaks in the command line! What would be the best approach to compare population-wise lesion heat maps between groups of subjects using the

[Freesurfer] Lesion heat map question

2021-02-03 Thread XY XY
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfers, I’m working on generating a heat map of white matter lesions in a disease group. I have the lesion probability maps for each individual generated in SAMSEG and I was wondering what the best method would be to place the maps of each

[Freesurfer] SAMSEG longitudinal processing questions

2021-01-28 Thread XY XY
External Email - Use Caution Hi FreeSurfers, Thank you for sharing the new SAMSEG tool, which I consider a major breakthrough in image processing! I have a few questions about using SAMSEG vs SAMSEG_Long: 1. What volumetric differences should I expect between running SAMSEG on