e (we
> have fsl v3.3.2 also, and I am able to start the fsl gui on a 64bit
> system having setup fsl and freesurfer as you have done).
> There should not be a problem with using fsl 3.3 results with
> Freesurfer.
> Nick
> On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 15:50 -0400, Vishwa
7; error would occur is the wrong machine
> architecture is used. Are you certain your machine is 64bits? To
> check, you should type this:
> uname -m
> and see:
> x86_64
> On the distribution site:
> ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist
Hi Freesurfers,
I just installed freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v3.0.3 on
FC5 linux,x86_64 platform. I'm getting the following errors for tkmedit
and tksurfer respectively:
tkmedit bert orig.mgz
freeglut (tkmedit): Unable to create direct context rendering for window
'Medit: 'This may
To elaborate my problem a little more ...
Running FSL command avwhd gave me :
filename spiral.nii.gz
sizeof_hdr 348
data_type INT16
dim0 4
dim1 64
dim2 64
dim3 25
dim4 250
dim5 1
dim6 1
dim7 1
I'm a relatively new FS user. Ive a single subject
functional dataset analyzed in FSL. I ran recon-all autorecon1 ,2 and 3 on the
subject's SPGR. Everything worked fine. i ran reg-feat2anat to register my
functionals to the anatomical but when i hit compare button in tkregister2 , the