Re: [Freesurfer] Extracting cortical thickness from a significant cluster in an independent sample

2019-01-03 Thread Tamara Sussman
t;--i" and "/Volumes...mgh" as those two so it > thinks you have not included. It is probably better to use something like > mri_segstats --seg ocn.mgh --excludeid 0 --avgwf test.dat > --sumTest_SupParietal.sum --i lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh > > > On 1/3/19 2:

Re: [Freesurfer] Extracting cortical thickness from a significant cluster in an independent sample

2019-01-03 Thread Tamara Sussman
On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 1:59 PM Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <> wrote: > Can you include the full command line (no $variables) and the full > terminal output? > > On 1/2/19 4:22 PM, Tamara Sussman wrote: > > > > External Email - Use C

Re: [Freesurfer] Extracting cortical thickness from a significant cluster in an independent sample

2019-01-02 Thread Tamara Sussman
urfer/LowVsNormHgb_T2/AN_Klarman_AN_T2_23/surf/lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 4:09 PM wrote: > External Email - Use Caution > > What are $label and $input set to? > > > On January 2, 2019 at 9:13 PM Tamara Sussman wrote: > > > &g

[Freesurfer] Extracting cortical thickness from a significant cluster in an independent sample

2019-01-02 Thread Tamara Sussman
External Email - Use Caution Hello Freesurfer Experts! Thank you in advance for considering this question. I did a cortical thickness analysis (surface-based), and found a significant cluster. I found the average cortical thickness in* this group*, in the .*y.ocn.dat* file, which