input file. I would think think 1 and 3 would be the same, but we need to know
how you did the conversion. Look at the 001.mgz in the subjects' mri/orig dir
in the cases of 1 and 3 and see if they are the same (or use mri_diff)
On Wed, 13 Jan 2016, Schell, Susanne wro
Dear colleagues,
as I posted before, we are recently using the freesurfer recon-all command.
Here are three different commands we used:
1)# Version 1: Import as DICOM
#!/bin/sh -e
# Segmentierung mit FreeSurfer.
# Die Ergebnisse werden in dem Verzeichnis gespeichert, in dem sich
# dieses Script
Dear colleagues,
We are recently using the freesurfer recon-all command
recon-all -s -I .nii.gz
recon-all -s -all
where stands for the subject ID. I have been trying to execute this
command with the different input files:
1) original dicom-files
2) nii-file where