I have a question about creating scripts for TkSurfer. I really know
next to nothing about scripts in general so these are rather basic
questions. There seems to be a lot of scripting commands for TkMedit but
not for TkSurfer. Is there a general list of the basic commands?
The command
ere a surface file that has both of them together
(either the orig surface or the smoothwm surface)?
Thanks so much for you help!
Brian T. Quinn wrote:
hi Sarah-
you can you the matlab code in $FREESURFER/matlab to do this. use
read_surf.m for this.
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Sarah Rugh
to output all the vertex numbers with the cooresponding RAS coordinates
to a file or matrix or some such thing.
Thank you very much for any help.
Sarah Rugheimer
Freesurfer mailing list
the vertex index related to the coordinates? Thanks, any
help is appreciated.
Sarah Rugheimer
Freesurfer mailing list
I manipulated some of the slices in matlab and would like to convert
them back into COR format so I can bring them back into Freesurfer to
complete the reconstruction. I can save these images into any matlab
supported format or RGB. Since freesurfer can convert COR to RGB I
thought the