[Freesurfer] LME contrast 3 groups

2016-08-19 Thread Sarah Hirsiger
Dear FreeSurfer experts, I would appreciate a confirmation regarding correctness of my approach. I am trying to run an LME model for three groups (group1=controls, group2 and group3) and two time points. I followed the tutorial on https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/LinearMixedEffectsM

Re: [Freesurfer] erroneous cortical surface models

2015-05-05 Thread Sarah Hirsiger
> Bruce > > > On Mon, 4 May > 2015, Sarah Hirsiger wrote: > >> Dear FreeSurfer experts, >> >> >> >> I encounter some erroneous cortical surface models when running recon-all >> with these additional flags: -talairach -nuintensitycor-3