I've been banging my head against the wall and keyboard to get
mris_make_surfaces generate correct pial surfaces. While the white matter
surface looks okay for the most part, the pial matter surfaces almost
never actually reach the pial surface, but rather stop very close to the
white matte
I've tried a number of ways to generate pial surfaces for a monkey brain
that has, to my eyes, very clear contrast. The white matter is segmented
without too much pain and is mostly correct, but the pial surface never
completely covers the gray matter. Instead, it either attaches to the
I've tried running mris_expand on several different surfaces, with or
without the -thickness flag, and while it ends without error and creates
the output file, the output looks identical to the input. I've tried even
expanding by large amounts, large percentages of thickness values, but
Good morning,
I've constructed some monkey surfaces that actually look quite accurate,
but appear dark in Freeview (they render normal in tksurfer). It really
looks like the normals are inverted. Could that be the case? If so, how do
I invert them? I know of non-freesurfer tools that can do this,
, not the
entire time series. Am I doing something wrong?
Reza Farivar, Ph.D.
Research Fellow
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital
Dept. of Radiology
Building 149, Room 2301
13th Street
Charlestown, MA
I'm trying to add control points to an anatomical using tkmedit, but the
button to add control points is grayed out. While I can fool myself into
thinking I've activated it by pressing "t", it actually doesn't add any
control points. Any thoughts why?
Dear all,
Is there an easy way to resize a volume, as in stretch it? I've gone the
tkregister2 route of making a dat file and applying it with mri_convert
(after converting to xfm) but for some reason it crops my volume, even
when there's no good reason why it should. I'm hoping for a function or