[Freesurfer] Older tksurfer and tkmedit (FS version 5.0.0) fail to launch: glut issue?

2024-08-07 Thread Raij, Tommi A.
Dear Surfers, I am trying to launch tksurfer/tkmedit in the stable 5_0_0 environment in the Martinos network, but this fails with glut segmentation errors. FS version 6 tksurfer works on the same machine and data, but I need to create some figures that match version 5. We already tried with a d

[Freesurfer] Pial surfaces include cerebellum - unable to fix with manual edits

2022-11-14 Thread Raij, Tommi A.
Dear Surfers, I have a case where recon-all labels cerebellum as cerebral white matter (aparc+aseg.mgz) and the pial surfaces therefore include the cerebellum. The error has been resistant to attempts to fix the situation with manual edits to $SUBJECT/mri/brain.finalsurfs.mgz and re-running aut

[Freesurfer] mris_pmake version issue

2019-01-08 Thread Raij, Tommi A.
Dear FreeSurfers, I am trying to update an mris_pmake command line that works with the pub v5.3.0 version with a new command line that works with pub v6.0.0 version. The purpose is to compute the distance between two vertex points on the pial surface using the cvs_avg35_inMNI152 brain. We are