> then use that for the analysis
> - you put 0 and 1 into the longitudinal qdec table for the two time
> points. When the time distance is 1, the rate will be the difference.
> Best, Martin
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Qi Wu wrote:
> Hi Freesurfer users,
Hi Freesurfer users,
For the longitudinal stream in FS5.1, there are only 4 options of measures
(do-avg, do-rate, do-pc1 and do-spc). However, if I need other measures,
such as the difference between two time points (thick2-thick1), how should
I do to get the values and still be able to do the vox
Hi Freesurfer users,
I need to design a ROI map for my project. It has to be based on certain
coordinates. The ideal is to draw a circle based on the coordinates in the
Talairach space in Freesurfer, which I do not know how to achieve. The
alternative is to draw a spherical cluster in fsl and conv
> do would be have all your patients with the .86mm scans and your controls
> with the 1mm). You could also do a small study by scanning some controls
> with both sequences and seeing if there is a spurious effect, which there
> might well be.
> cheers
> Bruce
Hi Freesurfer experts,
I have a difficult decision to make and I don't know which direction is
better. Your opinions are needed.
We are planning a paper on the treatment effects of a drug on the cortical
plasticity in a group of patients ( the pre- vs. post- design). It has been
a huge challenge
h only this subject, then start from
> scratch. create both cross (kp5 and kp5b), the base (kp5_base) and both
> longs with the correct naming . Then check if the long_mris_slopes command
> still fails.
> Best, Martin
> On 05/01/2013 12:11 PM, Qi Wu wrote:
> Dea
start from
> scratch. create both cross (kp5 and kp5b), the base (kp5_base) and both
> longs with the correct naming . Then check if the long_mris_slopes command
> still fails.
> Best, Martin
> On 05/01/2013 12:11 PM, Qi Wu wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer experts
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have a dataset of 2 time points. I ran into problems when I tried to use
the two-stage approach to pull out statistics such as the rate of change in
Freesurfer 5.1.
I could not even get the first stage working. The error messages I got were
“ERROR: MRISar1: Surf/Src dim