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Thanks for your response Bruce, just to clarify
If I understood, the wm surface is created using a surface deformation
procedure that adaptively determined the MR intensity of the boundaries in
question at each point in the cortex. Next a sphere from
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Hi FreeSufer team.
I have some questions related to the parameterization template and the
vertex correspondence in the pial surface.
1. In the parameterization template what is the reason for using the
mean and variance of curvature for WM sur
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Hi FS developers,
I have some questions related to make_average_subject
I followed the steps describe here
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SurfaceRegAndTemplates to
1. build a monkey curvature pattern
2. build FS monkey average using 40 subjec
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Hello, experts
I have a problem with the results of mris_make_surfaces to pial and white
matter surfaces.
I am working with high resolution (0.75x0.75x0.75) monkey images,
mris_makes_surfaces finish without errors but the surfaces have notches, I