line 519, in build
raise ValueError(err_msg)
ValueError: A `Concatenate` layer requires inputs with matching shapes
except for the concat axis. Got inputs shapes: [(None, 176, 184, 176, 24),
(None, 48, 184, 176, 480)]
Niels Janssen
Brain Imaging Lab
?). So I guess my question is whether mri_vol2surf
works for these kinds of surfaces or whether some other approach should be
used. Thanks!
Niels Janssen
Brain Imaging Laboratory
Institute of Biomedical Technologies
Institute of Neurosciences
University of La Laguna
Tenerife, Spain
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
recon-all -s avgsub3 exited with ERRORS at miƩ jul 31 12:05:20 WEST 2019
Niels Janssen
Brain Imaging Laboratory
Institute of Biomedical Technologies
Institute of Neurosciences
University of La Laguna
Tenerife, Spain
External Email - Use Caution
Hi I see on the website of brainstem substructures that the
'-brainstem-structures' option in freesurfer 6.0 stable release produces
brainstem segmentations that are labeled v10 whereas the script
'' available in beta versions of freesurfer
ely, but I run into problems with subfield overlap because of the
down sampling. I am wondering how to best deal with this issue, and from
seeing non-overlapping subfields at both 0.33 and 1 mm I am thinking there
must be someway to deal with this issue.
Niels Janssen
Brain Imaging Laboratory
On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:57 PM, NIELS JANSSEN .
> Hi Burkhard,
> Thanks for the message but this does not solve my problem. I untarred as
> root in /usr/local, and as myself in /home. I also requested a new license
> file (which appears the same btw), and it does not
witz, phone/fax: +49(3425)8875-2526/-2511 mail: maess
> 'at'
Niels Janssen
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Institute of Biomedical Technologies
Center for Biomedical Research of the Canary Islands
les, except
the license.txt which is root. Is this normal?
Can I install freesurfer on my machine or should I revert to Ubuntu 14.04?
Thank you.
Niels Janssen
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Institute of Biomedical Technologies
Center for Biomedical Research of the Canary Islands