Dear Freesurfers
The command:
mri_convert orig.mgz conv.mgz --conform
generates a conform volume but the intensity values are rounded to the next
Do you know how to avoid this?
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi everybody,
a very happy new year, with the hope 2011 will bring us near to our goals.
I have a very simple question about surfaces in freesurfer. As i posted
previously, i am trying to match white matter surface RAS coordinates with the
corresponding anatomical volume.
My attempt is to save an
volume - surface shift in tkmedit
> Where did you get the vox2ras matrix that save_mgh takes? And what
> space are the surface fiords in? There is extensive documentation on
> our wiki fir the various coordinate systems we use
> Cheers
> Bruce
> On Dec 21, 2
Dear all
I would like to write an MRI anatomical volume and a surface in freesurfer
The surface is correspondent to the white matter tessellation, while the volume
represents T1 anatomical slices, both obtained from softwares external to
Using the two functions save_mgh.m an
Dear all
I am using the tkmedit GUI to add/erase pixel in a slice-wise fashion in order
to subsequently apply a tessellation on the white matter.
I launch the command
cd subject/mri
tkmedit -f brain.mgz -aux wm.mgz
from linux shell (64bit CentOS), where brain.mgz is the anatomical MRI and wm