.ces.nii --glmdir point1_masked.rfx
--nii --surf fsaverage lh
Thanks for the help!
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 15:37:01 -0400
From: Maya Rosen
Subject: [Freesurfer] statistically truncate negative values
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=&q
Hi All,
I have two conditions of interest in my GLM analysis, Condition A and
Condition B. I would like to make a contrast of Condition A and Condition B
that includes only those vertices that are significantly positively
activated when compared to the Passive Viewing baseline. In other words, I
Dear Freesurfers,
I'm really glad to see the (relatively) new functional connectivity
commands. It seems to be working really well.
Has anyone tried to do task-related functional connectivity? I would like
to compare functional connectivity with the hippocampus during two
different conditions of
Hi all,
In v5.1.0 is there a way to do a volume analysis in native space? I know
when you do mkanalysis for the surface you can use -surface self. But for
the volume analysis the only flag I see is -mni305. Is there some way to
give it a native space flag for the volume?
Hi all,
We've been trying to use FsFast for functional connectivity analysis using
the left hippocampus as the seed (isolated from aseg). We used the
following command to make the analysis:
mkanalysis-sess -fwhm 0 -fsd bold -mcextreg -polyfit 2 -TR 2.6 -analysis
lhippo_fcfsfast-analysis -nuisreg