, USA. Our laboratory specializes in
clinical, mobility, cognition, and multimodal neuroimaging studies of
Parkinson's disease and is directed by Drs. Nicolaas Bohnen, MD, PhD
(Director) and Martijn Muller, PhD (Co-director). We are looking for a
post-doctoral candidate to conduct and inte
, mobility, cognition, and multimodal neuroimaging studies of
Parkinson's disease and is directed by Drs. Nicolaas Bohnen, MD, PhD
(Director) and Martijn Muller, PhD (Co-director). We are looking for a
post-doctoral candidate to conduct and interpret multimodal and voxel-based
imaging analys
imaging studies of
neurological disorders, in particular Parkinson disease. The laboratory is
directed by Drs. Nicolaas Bohnen, MD, PhD and Martijn Muller, PhD.
The applicant will perform multimodal imaging analyses of structural- and
functional MRI and PET datasets to address