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Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2020 08:15:44 +
From: "Loucao, Ricardo">>
Subject: [Freesurfer] Freeview - Load custom overlay from terminal
To: "
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Dear FS experts,
I’m trying to load a surface with a custom overlay directly from the terminal
using the sub-option “overlay_custom” but it returns “Unrecognized sub-option
flag ‘overlay_custom’”. I checked the source code on GitHub and found the fla
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I’m trying to run recon-all on "T1-like” data (it is actually a quantitative
MRI map with a contrast very similar to T1).
I managed to put it through recon-all’s autorecon1 stage without any major
tricks or modifications (wat
2019, at 10:09, Loucao, Ricardo>> wrote:
Dear Douglas,
I’m sorry for not being explicit.
What I meant to say was that the overlay was still “offset" from the actual
volume. See attachment. It is the side view of the CAT 3D surface in grey and
in red wha
ormal mri_vol2surf.
Many thanks for the help!
On 22. Feb 2019, at 14:58, Loucao, Ricardo>> wrote:
Thanks for the reply!
I tried the --vol-geom orig.mgz option but to no avail.
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Thanks for the reply!
I tried the --vol-geom orig.mgz option but to no avail.
Small update: I inspected the metadata on the surface files using mris_info and
discovered that the ctr property was different between the CAT generated
surface and the pia