RAS to
"tkregisterRAS", one of our internal coordinate systems. See
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CoordinateSystems, you'll need to do
the inverse of case #1.
On 7/19/17 12:28 PM, Li Guo wrote:
Dear Freesurfer experts,
My question concerns the .label files and the c
computing the vertex ID based on
the R,A,S coordinates, or an alternative solution to represent the vertices on
the surface based on the voxel coordinates--and the registration file I assume?
Thank you very much!
Li Guo & Florence Campana
Thanks a
Dear freesurfer developers,
I’d like to ask about an error I encountered in Freesurfer v6.0 with
mkbrainmask-sess. I am using macOS Sierra.
Here is the error:
error:"ERROR: cannot find
/Users/lguo15/Documents/MATLAB/fMRI_P3/Fisch_P3_01/bold/register.dof6.lta, you
might need to run register-ses