If I want to run a functional ROI according to this:
is it possible to have the subjects' name in the output file?
Is it possible that the volume of an unmasked region (region defined only by
change the black
> background to white:
> $>convert -fill white -opaque black input.tiff output.tiff
> where input.tiff is a black-background tiff, and output.tiff is the same
> image but with the background now white.
> Krajcsi Attila wrote:
Is there any possibility in tksurfer to change the background color from
black to white?
Freesurfer mailing list
this in a shell script and invoke tksurfer once/subject.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Tue, 12 May 2009, Krajcsi Attila wrote:
> Hi All,
>> In tksurfer is it possible to change the subject or the hemisphere from
>> the
>> tcl script we use? I couldn
Hi All,
In tksurfer is it possible to change the subject or the hemisphere from the
tcl script we use? I couldn't find the solution for this on the tksurfer
scripting wiki page. Maybe it's not possible. And is it possible to send
parameters from the tksurfer command to the tcl script?
Thank you
Sorry, I put the -tcl parameter in the wrong place in my script after a
tksurfer command. Now it works perfectly!
Thanks again,
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> what was your cmdline?
> On Mon, 11 May 2009, Krajcsi Attila wrote:
> Thank you,
Thank you, Bruce!
I tried it, but I get the error message: invalid command name
I couldn't find this or similar command in the wiki page:
I use FS 4.3. Any idea what could go wrong?
Thanks agai
Hi All,
Is it possible to start tkmedit with the multiple orientation view as
Thank you,
Freesurfer mailing list