GrayVol is meaningless). You might
prefer to use mri_segstats, something like
mri_segstats --slabel subject lh lh.superiortemporal.label --i lh.gm_wm.mgh --o
gm_wm.sum.dat --excludeid 0
On 12/3/12 10:12 AM, Kong, Li wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> Thanks for your answer!
> I tried mris
find other appropriate flags which could instead of "-t".
Do you know how to fix this problem?
Thanks for your help!
From: Bruce Fischl []
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 2:51 PM
To: Kong, Li
Cc: Freesurf
Hello everyone,
I got grey matter/ white matter intensity ratio at each vertex across the
cortex. I would like to know the mean intensity ratio in one region (ex,
superior temporal gyrus).
Anyone knows how to get it?
Thanks in advance!
: [Freesurfer] How to map ROI to native space
Hi Li, as suggested by Voet, the best way to do it will be to map the VBM
results back to the individual subject. Unfortunately, this is an FSL
operation, so you should contact the FSL list as to how to do this.
On 09/17/2012 06:37 AM, Kong, Li wrote
Hi all,
I have one problem about rending ROI from VBM onto Freesurfer average surface
and extracting thickness in this ROI region. I have already extracted one
cluster (my ROI ) from VBM_derived group difference t_statistic map.
I got a lot of information from this mail list, especially Alex's