As Matt pointed out for as long as you achieve a stable overclock and have
ample cooling for the CPU and memory freesurfer (and any other programs) will
run just fine. I used to run subjects on Intel Q6600 overclocked from 2.8ghz to
3.4ghz with a push-pull cooling solution and had no problems.
While resize window does not work when invoked through a tcl flag there is a
manual way to bypass it. After you open tksurfer move back from the GUI to the
tksurfer terminal window and paste your tcl script there. Not nearly as
convenient as the tcl flag execution but it is the only solut
This page can give you some other ideas:
Jacek Jońca-Jasiński
Jacek Jońca-Jasiński, Ph.D.|The Graduate School|Texas Tech