leg Gusyatin posted some time ago about wanting to make a
> macaque parcellation.
> Just wondering if that was ever done, and if so, would it be accessible to
> users by any chance :) ?
> I know I can use Caret, but we're all using freesurfer for human data here
> so I was just
what is the best way to display a label in matlab?
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear list,
This issue was probably already discussed (couldn't find it), but I wanted
to make sure that I'm correct before proceeding. In order to extract a
patch of surface from the average brain, can I just draw a label on
whatever surface configuration I display it on? Also, how to load the
By fixing the "z" or "depth" coordinate of your point you reduce
the problem to determining if the point lies outside or inside the 2D
contour. Once you've done that, you can simply check if the coordinates
of the point are contained (<= or =>) within the corresponding boundaries of
the conto