where label_name is the exact name of the central sulcus label in the gcsa
file you use, and can be obtained by looking in our color lookup table file
such as FreeSurferColorLUT.txt, or just running mris_info on the gcsa file
you are using (they are all in $FREESURFER_HOME/a
nicely. However, the coregistration to the standard
> > surface has gone wrong: it seems like the central sulcus (e.g. labels
> > BA1, BA3a) is placed on top of the postcentral sulcus.
> >
> > Does someone know ho
BA3a) is
placed on top of the postcentral sulcus.
Does someone know how to fix this problem and/or better identify the step
where it went wrong?
Many thanks,
Daan Wesselink
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