-- Forwarded message --
From: Cristian Paz
Date: 2013/8/14
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] FS version
To: Bruce Fischl
Thank you for your reply!
now - on the third try, I left it for three hours without checking and now
it is actually running fiurther.
what types of problem
- minimizing metric distortion...
Could this have to do with FreeSurfer version maybe?
2013/8/14 Cristian Paz
> Dear experts!
> I have a question.
> I have run recon-all on a cluster , and I am editing on my local machine.
Dear experts!
I have a question.
I have run recon-all on a cluster , and I am editing on my local machine. I
just checked the versions and I see that I have:
freesurfer-x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-stable5-20110522 at the computing
cluster and
freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0 on my
Hi Anna and all Freesurfers,
I have sort of the same problem.
I know there is a flag called --noconform - but it doesnt seem to work on
my data with mri_nu_correct.mni . (does not recognize the flag )
I also tried the flag --cm which is supposed to only minimally conform -
but here I also got a
Dear Freesurfer List!
Does anyone know what the purpose of the flag: mri_nu_correct.mni --i
T1.nii --o nuT1.nii *--no-float*
as opposed to: mri_nu_correct.mni --i T1.mgz --o nuT1.mgz *--n 2 *?
Thank you!
-- Forwarded message --
From: Cristian Paz
Date: 2013/6/12
Dear FS'ers.
If I want to do bias correction of T1 and T2 images, without necessarily
doing a recon-all -
what are the different options/parameters I can add in the command line?
Right now I have been testing :
mri_nu_correct.mni --i --o
and unfortunately the output looks worse than the in
Dear FreeSurfers!
I want to do bias correction on some T1 and T2 images. I have heard that
you can do this by using mri_nu_correct.mni
how should I use this command?
I could not understand this (I am a beginner in FS) :
would it be s
Hello FS-ers,
I have a beginner question.
I am wondering about editing. Since I have no superior of me in my lab to
inspect or guide me in my freesurfer analyses - I get a bit worried that I
might oversee some important errors from recon-all.
If there is nothing that is strikingly wrong in the