aries an artifact of the
smoothing done, and thus we can simply apply ROI labels in MNI305 to the
functional data, or does this suggest something has gone wrong in our
Christopher J Markiewicz
Ph.D. Candidate, Quantitative Neuroscience Laboratory
Boston Unive
> Thanks,
> Isabel
I'm guessing you're trying to rename from the file explorer? You should
be able to do this from the command line:
mv /Applications/freesurfer/license.txt \
Depending on permissions, you may need to use 'sudo
Christopher J Markiewicz
Ph.D. Candidate, Quantitative Neuroscience Laboratory
Boston University
[0] Command: mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --srcsubject fsaverage \
--srcsurfval $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/surf/rh.orig.avg.area.mgh \
--trgsubject ico --trgsurfval rh.ic