py_header. Or you can can send me the two surfaces (before and after
> smoothing) and I can see if it fixes the problem
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 10 Dec 2015, Chris Holdgraf wrote:
> Yep - sorry, here's apic:
comment? Or you can try mris_copy_header to see if
> that does the trick
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 10 Dec 2015, Chris Holdgraf wrote:
> Hey Bruce - thus far I have used pretty default parameters. I first ran
>> recon-all on each subject, then simply ran `
information? Try looking at the header with mris_info before and
> after smoothing
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 10 Dec 2015, Chris Holdgraf wrote:
> > Hey Freesurfer folks - I'm looking into using Freesurfer for doing
> electrode
> > reconstruction / co-re
Hey Freesurfer folks - I'm looking into using Freesurfer for doing
electrode reconstruction / co-registration in electrocorticography. We're
making good progress on figuring out recon-all for surfaces and doing
co-registration to CTs. However, I think I've encountered a strange bug.
I'm trying to