Dear Douglas Greve,
thank you for your answer. read_annotation gives me the correspondence between anatomical labels and vertices.
To match the vertices to an anatomical region, all i need now (I guess) is a routine to load the vertices in label files as created in tksurfer into matlab.
Dear Experts,
in my analysis i have created a set of surface labels based on significant clusters using tksurfer.
For a given label I would like to know which atlas-based anatomical region (e.g., as defined by the Freesurfer annotations) it occupies.
I know I can load annotations in tksurfer
Dear Experts,
i am analyzing a longitudinal study (three timepoints for each participant).
I manually register the second and third timepoint to the first timepoint using freeview.
Question: Is it possible to use these manually created transformation matrices to create a common template that
Dear Freesurfer list,I want to do a ROI analysis on longitudinally processed cortical thickness data in fsaverage space.I followed the steps proposed for long. processing on sample each time point onto the average surface, concaten
Dear Freesurfer list,I was wondering, whether a standard flatmap of the occipital lobe in fsaverage space is available ?In $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsavarage/surf I found only flatmaps of the whole cortex (lh.cortex.patch.flat and rh.cortex.patch.flat).I know that the surface can be 'cutted' to p