Re: [Freesurfer] Manual labels in terms of anatomical regions

2015-05-18 Thread Andreas Werner
Dear Douglas Greve,   thank you for your answer.  read_annotation gives me the correspondence between anatomical labels and vertices. To match the vertices to an anatomical region, all i need now (I guess) is a routine to load the  vertices in label files as created in tksurfer into matlab. Is

[Freesurfer] Manual labels in terms of anatomical regions

2015-05-15 Thread Andreas Werner
Dear Experts,   in my analysis i have created a set of surface labels based on significant clusters using tksurfer. For a given label I would like to know which atlas-based anatomical region (e.g., as defined by the Freesurfer annotations) it occupies. I know I can load annotations in tksurfer

[Freesurfer] longitudinal template generation with manual registration

2014-04-09 Thread Andreas Werner
Dear Experts,   i am analyzing a longitudinal study (three timepoints for each participant). I manually register the second and third timepoint to the first timepoint using freeview. Question: Is it possible to use these manually created transformation matrices to create a common template that

[Freesurfer] roi analysis on longit. processed data

2013-03-08 Thread Andreas Werner
Dear Freesurfer list,I want to do a ROI analysis on longitudinally processed cortical thickness data in fsaverage space.I followed the steps proposed for long. processing on sample each time point onto the average surface, concaten

[Freesurfer] flatmap of the occipital lobe in fsaverage space

2013-03-03 Thread Andreas Werner
Dear Freesurfer list,I was wondering, whether a standard flatmap of the occipital lobe in fsaverage space is  available ?In $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsavarage/surf I found only flatmaps of the whole cortex (lh.cortex.patch.flat and rh.cortex.patch.flat).I know that the surface can be 'cutted' to p