[Freesurfer] Anyone successfully performed probtrackx2 whole brain tractography?

2012-10-30 Thread Alistair Perry
speed etc. How long did it take to run, and if it is not an issue, what is the command you used? I am obviously aware by reducing the number of vertices it can significantly decrease the running time, however I do not want to kill the running command. Thanks, Alistair

[Freesurfer] Cortical parcellations and probtrackx2 in diffusion space

2012-09-04 Thread Alistair Perry
Hello freesurfer experts, I know this has been posted elsewhere with the original probtrackx. I am basically trying to create a surface file from the aseg+aparc.mgz cortical parcellation created when running recon-all. I wish to use this surface file as the seed reference file when performing pro