[Freesurfer] about the label file

2008-08-20 Thread
Hello: I select a region and save it to a label file named red.label. But I could't understand the data in this file. The follwing is part of this file. #!ascii label , from subject cengqinping vox2ras=TkReg coords=white 5690 31281 -51.356 -54.196 26.649 0.00 31282 -52.142 -54.229 2

[Freesurfer] about cortical thickness

2008-08-19 Thread
Hi: I have run the recon-all command and it finished without error. And now I am interested with the thickness, I want to select a region of interest and get information of every voxel,including the coordinate ,the thickness of this voxel.Also , I want to put these information into a file. Does

[Freesurfer] about cortical thickness

2008-08-19 Thread
Hi: I have run the recon-all command and it finished without error. And now I am interested with the thickness, I want to select a region of interest and get information of every voxel,including the coordinate ,the thickness of this voxel.Also , I want to put these information into a file. Does

[Freesurfer] about aseg.stats

2008-08-18 Thread
Hello: I have run the recon-all command and it finished without errors. The FreeSurfer has generated a stats file $SUBJECTS_DIR//stats/aseg.stats, there are some information in this file as follows that I can't understand well: ColHeaders Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName norm