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The fix for the error you posted when running the 8.0.0 beta release -
which has to do with how some python code is run - will be fixed in the
forthcoming 8.0.0 release; it’s unrelated to your environment setup.
The commands that run the recon-all pi
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I am working on obtaining cortical thickness values for customized groups of
ROIs. Currently, I extract thickness values for the standard set of ROIs using
the following command:
aparcstats2table --subjects [SUBJECT_ID] --hemi lh --meas t
External Email - Use Caution
I am working on generating a vertex mapping file that identifies corresponding
vertices across different levels of an icosahedral mesh. Specifically, for
ico6, I want to determine which vertices contribute to each vertex in ico5 when
External Email - Use Caution
We are aware that changes to the system libraries in Ubuntu 24 prevent
installing packages that installed and ran fine in Ubuntu 22. We hope to
have a development build available for Ubuntu 24 in the near future.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS was made genera
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I think that command is no longer/not supported and its wiki page is out
of date; it has not been in any 7.X or 8.X freesurfer distribution dating
back to at least 2020.
- R.On Feb 5, 2025, at 12:40, Zapaishchykova, Anna
Hope this email finds you well. Just wanted to report that
package gets "mri_TumorSynth: command not found" on
freesurfer-linux-ubuntu22_x86_64-8.0.0-beta-20241102-b8aacdc and on 7.4
The coordinates reported in .label are in Freesurfer tkregister RAS space. You
can use mri_label2label to map them to MNI 305 space
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Yang Yifan
Sent: Wednesday, February 5
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Hi FreeSurfer Developers,
I’m conducting manual ROI labelling on each participant’s inflated surface
(after going through the ‘recon-all’ command), but I wasn’t very sure if the
coordinates in the corresponding .label files are in MNI 305 space. At t