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Dear Support Team,
I'm reaching out for assistance with merging two .mgh files.
As I try to generate a surface mapping for all subjects, I merged all volume
files (.nii.gz) by mrcalc. So I get a volume file whose voxel value represents
the number
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Good morning,
1) For the Samseg protocol, are only T1 and FLAIR sequences required (no MPRAGE
scans required)?
2) What does the numerical output of the Samseg calculation look like?
Best regards,
Krzysztof Barć
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Hi again and sorry for the very confusing questions...
I now (without really knowing what I did) managed to get
mris_convert --annot left.fsaverage_MY_PARC_2_164.label.gii
If you construct the non-linear template within the current rigid (or affine)
mid-space, then there are two things you can do.
(1) You can just replace the base image and run the remainder of the base and
longitudinal streams as is to transfer the results out to the TPs using the
rigid (or affi
All these filenames are too similar. You mentioned at least 3 different files.
fs_R-to-fs_LR_fsaverage.L_LR.spherical_std.164k_fs_L.surf.gii (error)
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Hi again this gives
ls -lt fs_L-to-fs_LR_fsaverage.L_LR.spherical_std.164k_fs_L.surf.gii
-rw-rw-r-- 1 karin karin 4323015 feb 29 21:54
It seems to me that it failed to open the .gii file.
Can you check if
'fs_R-to-fs_LR_fsaverage.L_LR.spherical_std.164k_fs_L.surf.gii' exists and you
have the read permission?
'ls -lt fs_R-to-fs_LR_fsaverage.L_LR.spherical_std.164k_fs_L.surf.gii'
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
It looks like if you don't specify a subject (--target subject) as common
space, it will default to 'fsaverage'. See
The input to -surfreg <> is the surface registration to the common space. I
think it should be a surface file not in .mgh
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Hi I realized that the error occurs only with the Lh- file, that also gives
this error
mris_info fs_R-to-fs_LR_fsaverage.L_LR.spherical_std.164k_fs_L.surf.gii
** failed to open GIFTI XML file
The output from mris_info looks fine.
Are you still having trouble creating .annot file from a label.gii file? The
command looks like this:
mris_convert --annot label/rh.aparc.annot.gii surf/rh.white.gii rh.aparc.annot
You need to provide full path to your input files.
From: fre
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Thank you for your reply! mri_info
mris_info fs_R-to-fs_LR_fsaverage.R_LR.spherical_std.164k_fs_R.surf.gii
returns the follwoing:
gifti_image struct
version= 1
numDA = 2
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