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Dear freesurfer experts,
recently I update freesurfer to freesurfer 7.4.0 under Ubuntu 20.04. when I try
to launch freeview, I get error message as:
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be
initialized. Reins
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For the sclimbic, you can find it in $FREESURFER/models/sclimbic.ctab
For the brainstem, the labels are in the main FS table,
I think there are only three labels in the brainstem, so you can load it
into freeview to
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Hi Malav, try
mris_diff --min-dist lh.wm.smth5 lh.pial.smth5 1 lh.thickness
The output will be on the pial surface. Reverse the surface order to get
it on the white surface
On 5/22/2023 5:48 AM, Malav Shah wrote:
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you can make individual surface files (mri_binarize --match 16 --i
aseg.mgz --surf brainstem.surf --surf-smooth 2), but there is not a
registration target to register the surface to
On 5/21/2023 3:41 AM, t...@ms36.hinet.net wrote:
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I am Chi-Hyeon, a postdoc at the Martinos Center.
One of my colleagues wants to try to use advance segmentations: brainstem
substructures segmentation
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Dear freeSurfer team,
I am trying to extract cortical thickness in a postmortem elephant (structural)
MRI scan.
I initiated the process with the segmentation of white (wm) and pial matter,
using MATLAB image processing tools.
Having satisfied whit