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How about a picture of the problem? At least at one time, some of FreeSurfer
was limited to 256^3 voxels and there is a maximum resolution that you can fit
a human brain in with that.
From: on behalf of Brooklyn Wright
Reply-To: Freesurfer
External Email - Use Caution
Hi there 🙂
I am running into repeat difficulty with reconstructing ultra-high resolution
T1w .nii images (0.25mm^3 voxel size). These have been submitted to rigorous
preprocessing steps and I use hires flags and expert preferences however all of
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I am installing FreeSurfer on a Windows machine using VirtualBox. I need a
passcode to unzip the .ova file. I am emailing to request this passcode. I
already have a license txt file, but I am assuming this is something
Thank you,
Hi Rene,
Do you mean lh.pial.T1? Do you have any other lh.pial* files in the directory?
What is your recon-all command line? And can you also provide the Freesurfer
version you are running?
-Original Message-
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Ren
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Dear experts:
I am wondering if lh.pial and lh.pialT1 are the same files. I don’t have
lh.pial is that an error from recon-all? Should I rerun recon-all. Or just
autorecon-pial? Would that change anything?
Rene Andrade.