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I have created a volume which is supposed to have the cortical surface
orientation with respect to b0 at each voxel. To do this I got the 6 frame
overlay file from mris_convert. Then I isolated the first 3 values from each
row in Matlab to create an
External Email - Use Caution
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) is seeking applicants for a
tenure-track faculty position in Cognitive Neuroscience. UWM is a Carnegie
“Research 1” institution located in Wisconsin’s cultural and economic center.
We are interested in recr
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I’m trying to get a 5TT output from freesurfer data as FSL would provide it
using MRtrix wrapper 5ttgen fsl. mri_compute_volume_fractions looks like doing
the job, but I can’t wrap my head around some tissue type that seemed
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Dear Dr Bruce,
Thank you very much for answering my questions and for help. We highly
appreciate you.
All the best
1. Sigma is the smoothing kernel applied to the bias field so you can
make it pretty large depending on how high frequency y