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Check to make sure that you are not running low on disk space on your C drive.
I would try to keep at least 10 - 30G of free space on your boot (C)
If there is no issue with disk space, then it’s possible the Windows
“hypervisor” is interferi
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I would like to ask for your advise on how to fix the issue – failed to open
VM. Please see below message for your reference:
Failed to open a session for the virtual machine FS_7_2_0_ubuntu_18_04_06.
Could not open the med
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Hi Matt,
freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c was compiled from
this commit of the source code on Jan 18, 2017
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I have a question regarding the way ROI-wise values are calculated using
We ran the PETSurfer pipeline with PVC=0 and noticed that a relatively small
ROI like Putamen has one of the highest values of regional distribution of a