[Freesurfer] SAMSEG output orientation not the same as input images

2021-09-28 Thread daedalus39
External Email - Use Caution We have recently installed FS-7.1 and have tested a few “ADNI” images with SAMSEG.  The process runs to completion, but the output (seg.mgz) appears upside-down and rotated about 90 about the X-axis.  We are passing seg.mgz through BrainStorm to crea

[Freesurfer] inter-hemispheric registration

2021-09-28 Thread Yu-Chi Chen
External Email - Use Caution Dear FreeSurfer experts, My current analysis is for analyzing the vertices of the cortical surfaces. I'd like to have the same vertice numbers of the left and right hemispheres and also to retain as much asymmetric feature as possible. I first created