Re: [Freesurfer] Problem with mri_glmfit-sim

2021-06-27 Thread juergen.haenggi
External Email - Use Caution Dear Douglas please find the terminal output and the log files attached. when I run this command in FS 6.0.0, no error occurred thanks in advance cheers Jürgen Am 27.06.2021 um 16:49 schrieb Douglas N. Greve>>: Can

Re: [Freesurfer] question about partial volume corrections with PETSurfer

2021-06-27 Thread Yu-Wei Chang
External Email - Use Caution Dear Dr. Douglas N Greve, Thank you for your attention and reply and it is really helpful. Best, Yu-Wei From: on behalf of Douglas N. Greve Sent: 27 June 2021 16:42:45 To:

Re: [Freesurfer] Problem with mri_glmfit-sim

2021-06-27 Thread Douglas N. Greve
Can you send the mri_glmfit.log file from your mri_glmfit run? Can you run mri_glmfit-sim with --debug as the first option and capture and send the output? On 6/23/2021 4:42 AM, wrote: External Email - Use Caution Dear FS experts I have run stats using m

Re: [Freesurfer] (no subject)

2021-06-27 Thread Douglas N. Greve
No, it should not On 6/22/2021 4:12 PM, miracle ozzoude wrote: External Email - Use Caution Hello All, I was wondering if the  Right/Left-Cerebral-White-Matter in the aparc+aseg.mgz contains WM hypointensities. mri_segstats --seg aparc+aseg.mgz -i dti_fa.nii.gz --sum dti_fa.stats

Re: [Freesurfer] eTIV and FSGD file

2021-06-27 Thread Douglas N. Greve
sorry for the delay, Yes, the eTIV is in the aseg.stats file On 6/22/2021 2:57 PM, Gallego Angel, Juan wrote: External Email - Use Caution Hello, I sent the message below a couple of weeks ago but I haven’t seen it posted in my freesurfer digest emails. I am wondering if I need to do

Re: [Freesurfer] Help with LGI pipeline output - Freeview

2021-06-27 Thread Douglas N. Greve
First, try using tksurferfv (this is the freeview version of tksurfer; tksurfer is obsolete) Second, you'll have to tell us more than "it did not work" (eg, send the terminal output or some other description) On 6/21/2021 3:03 PM, Lab of Autism and Developmental Neuroscience, Lab of Autism and

Re: [Freesurfer] question about partial volume corrections with PETSurfer

2021-06-27 Thread Douglas N. Greve
On 6/21/2021 12:13 PM, Yu-Wei Chang wrote: External Email - Use Caution External Email - Use Caution Dear PetSurfer and Freesurfer Developers, I would like to run partial volume corrections on amyloid PET images (from ADNI) with PetSurfer. I have downloaded the amyloid PE