Yes, look in the gtm.stats.dat file. See this page for whichi column you need
to look at
On 5/17/2019 12:42 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
is there a way to easily get the volume stats for all regions
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*Postdoctoral position in object and face recognition at NYU Abu Dhabi*
A postdoctoral research position is open at the Objects and Knowledge
Laboratory, headed by Dr. Olivia Cheung, at New York University Abu Dhabi (
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Hi all,
is there a way to easily get the volume stats for all regions after pvc
correction using mri_gtmpvc ? I think its not included in gtm.stats.dat.
Freesurfer mailing list
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Alright, thanks I confused that. I already found a better way for my purposes.
Im just running mri_gtmpvc using the flags —psf=0 and —no-tfe to get the non
PVC subcortical SUVs.
> Am 17.05.2019 um 17:28 schrieb Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
> :
> In mr
In mri_segstats, use --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/xyz/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --ctab-default
when you use --annot, you are saying that the input is on the surface.
On 5/17/2019 9:07 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer community,
I am trying to extract SUV valu
Hi Mustafa
1. Your mprage ran through recon-all fine and the results look good. The
saggital field of view is tight, so make sure that they don't crop brain in
that direction.
2. Your recon-all command line is incorrect. You should point the
SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable to whereever you
Hi Konrad
sorry, I never really packaged this up nicely. Currently it is embedded in
the mris_thickness binary, and you run it by using:
mris_thickness -variational -w 0
this will write out two files:
the first is the initial vector field along the pial-
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Dear Freesurfer community,
I am trying to extract SUV values from sub-cortical segmentation or gtmseg
I don t want to use any PVC.
I used the following commands:
gtmseg --s xyz
mri_coreg --s xyz --mov abetapet.nii.gz --reg abetapet.reg.lta