Hi Hannah, please include the previous correspondence so that we have context.
Also, please remember to post to the list and not to us personally.
On 3/13/19 10:52 PM, Hannah CK wrote:
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Hi Dr. Greve,
Thank you for this response. Can extracting
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Sure.This is the full terminal output:
root@zourushi-All-Series:/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/PT1_4# mri_label2label
--srclabel label/4gt.label --s PT1_4 --trglabel 4gtreg.label --hemi rh --paint
30 pial --trgsurf pial
Could not set locale
No su
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> On March 13, 2019 at 9:18 PM Donatienne Van Weehaeghe
> wrote:
> The code I tried to run:
> #mri_gtmpvc --i SUVR_cerebellum.nii.gz --reg suv.reg.lta --psf 5 --seg
> /gtmseg.mgz --default-seg-merge --auto-mask 5 0.01 --rbv --o
> gtmpvc.output.su
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I encountered the following error when I tried to run mri_gtmpvc -- rbv:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
First I performed the PET to orig registration using spmregister, secondly I
tried with the registration using mri_coreg but the error
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Dear Freesurfer community,
Our group is using the new FreeSurfer 6.0 (dev) subcortical segmentation
scripts on HCP data (Freesurfer 5.3)
We have successfully segmented the three structures
1. lh.hippo
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am trying to run Freesurfer commands (eg. mri_ca_label) using Matlab in a
Mac computer (macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 version) and I'm receiving the
following error that I suspect are due to library incompatibilities:
dyld: laz
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Dear Antti,
There’s no specific longitudinal version of the thalamic nuclei yet (hopefully
one day…)
You could naively segment the subjects in a cross-sectional fashion, but I’d
highly recommend that you run the main longitudinal stream first
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Dear FS experts,
I'm using the thalamic nuclei segmentation on T1-images. Is it possible to
perform longitudinal analysis with this data, or could I just segment the
different time points separately to see volume reduction of specific nuclei?