see the attached job opening description. If interested contact Michael
(contact info below and in attachment)
Michael Zeineh, M.D.-Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Radiology
Associate Chief of Neuroradiology for Operations and IT
Stanford University, Lucas Center for Imaging, Rm. P271
Hi Kody
yes, there are some hidden options to recon-all for this. Take a look at
the script for things like -no-cerebellum, -rh-only, and see if they are
sufficient for what you are trying to do
On Mon, 4 Mar 2019, zalewk wrote:
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Hello Freesurfer Experts,
May I ask if there is a whitening/weighting matrix used to give weighted
least squares estimates (WLS) and whiten the data during the 1st-level
model estimation in FSFAST? If so, how could I get it?
Many thanks and kind regar
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How should I go about properly citing freesurfer if I am using dt_recon for
dti analysis?
*Daniel Callow*
*PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science*
Exercise for Brain Health Lab
University of Maryland, College Park
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Hi everyone,
I need to convert a surfacic mask that is made from data of one subject
projected onto fsaverage6 into a volumic map. To do so, I'm trying to use
mri_surf2vol to take my Gifti file and create 3D version as Nifti file (using
gray matter).
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Hi Freesurfers,
I want to do group analysis on four groups and use the volume values in
1- Is it correct that each subcortical segmentation is based on a
"volumetric segmentation atlas" created by Freesurfer?
2- Are the volume values expres