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Hi Doug,
I just wanted to follow up on this. Were you able to download the zip file ok?
On 4/18/18, 10:46 AM, "Ryan Flores" wrote:
Yes, of course. Please see attached.
Ryan Flores
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Freesurfer team & Doug,
Thought I would check in again about censoring volumes and using fcseedcor.
I was thinking about if it hasn't been incorporated yet -- could I create
my own first level covariate .dat file and run fcseedcor on a per subject
Yes, use lta_convert with the FSL input flag.
On 4/23/18 1:01 PM, Lauren Beard wrote:
Hi FreeSurfer Team,
We would like to project functional volumes to an FS average surface
in a number of large datasets (several thousand scans). We have
already calculated and conducted detailed QA on co-
External Email - Use Caution
Hi FreeSurfer Team,
We would like to project functional volumes to an FS average surface in a
number of large datasets (several thousand scans). We have already
calculated and conducted detailed QA on co-registrations from the
functional to structural
External Email - Use Caution
Dear All and Bruce,
This mail is on top of the query I had a couple of weeks back where I
misinterpreted that I had binary mask of each structure as individual nifti
volume files but on closer look, the nifti files had the probability that the