Hello FS experts,
I'm trying to get the volume of a binary mask on orig.mgz. I know that FS
uses a more sophisitcated approach than simply counting the number of
voxels within the mask and I'd like to apply the same approach. Is there
any way to get the volume for a defined mask with the same appr
Hi Lanbo,
the first command computes the slope of within-subject linear fits (the rate,
so the unit is mm/time). You use —generic time which means that the time is 1 2
3 … It is better to put the real time, e.g. in years for a longitudinal study.
the second command is a one-sample-group-mean
Hi Anne,
Unfortunately, the “-make all” flag contains a bug in the stable6.0 release.
However, this has been fixed in the dev version. This can be quickly fixed if
you download this script -
- a
Hi vidhu
use recon-all to process the dataset, then mri_extract_labels or
mri_binarize can be used to extract just the hippocampus
On Wed, 1 Nov 2017,
Vidhu Agrawal wrote:
Respected Sir,
How can i scoop out or separate only hippocampus from a 3D MRI of whole brain?
With reg
I wonder if there is a consensus to thershold the size of clusters obtained by
FS-FAST after FDR correction?To cut-off clusters size>10-15 mm2 should be good?
or do you advise more than?
ThanksStefano ___
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Zheng - I'll need the trac-all.log file, the gradient table, and the b-value
table. Please do not send other data at the moment.
From: 郑凤莲 <13181786...@163.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 9:48:52 PM
To: Yendiki, Anastasia
Subject: TRA
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I would like to use "Qdec" tool to study the between groups changes of
volume/cortical thickness
of one region (Perirhinal) belonging to the Brodmann areas. As I understand
Qdec load only the aparc and aseg stat lists and not the BA stat list. I am
if we could
Hi Vidhu,
After your standard recon-all, do:
mri_binarize --i yoursubjectname/mri/aseg.mgz --match 17 --o left_hip.nii
mri_binarize --i yoursubjectname/mri/aseg.mgz--match 53 --o right_hip.nii
Hope that helps.
Best Wishes,
On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 5:57 AM, Vidhu Agrawal
> Respec
Hi Patricia,
Do you think you could send us an example? I’ve never seen the registration
fail with good prealignment on an of my datasets, so this would be very, very
helpful to improve the software.
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
ERC Senior Research Fellow
Translational Imaging Group