Re: [Freesurfer] Subcortical Segmentation

2016-10-09 Thread Raghav Mehta
Hi Bruce, It looks like I was using wrong command to view output in tkmedit. I changed it following: tkmedit bert /home/raghav/Desktop/MRI_DATASETS/SATA/freesurfer/testing-images/8/8/mri/normgz -segmentation /home/raghav/Desktop/MRI_DATASETS/SATA/freesurfer/testing-images/8/8/mri/aseg.mgz And no

Re: [Freesurfer] Subcortical Segmentation

2016-10-09 Thread Raghav Mehta
Hi Bruce, I used following command: recon-all -subject 8 -i /home/raghav/Desktop/MRI_DATASETS/SATA/freesurfer /testing-images/8/8.nii.gz -sd /home/raghav/Desktop/MRI_DATASETS/SATA/ freesurfer/testing-images/8 -all -cw256 I had to use -cw256 option due to the fact that in third dimension my volume

[Freesurfer] No cluster remains significant after multiple comparisons

2016-10-09 Thread Karamfil Bahchevanov
Hello Freesurfer experts, I'm really struggling with my study. I have a 27 scans that I analyze in QDEC. Scans are from Siemens machine, mprage protocol, TR1620, TE 4.3, FOV 240*256, acq. matrix 232*256, slice thickness 0,9mm. After I enter model and have some initial significant clusters (thresho

Re: [Freesurfer] Subcortical Segmentation

2016-10-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Raghav We don't resample into MNI (or any other space). Was your input already resampled? In general you should send us your full command line and screen output Cheers Bruce > On Oct 9, 2016, at 1:39 PM, Raghav Mehta wrote: > > Raghav ___ Fre

Re: [Freesurfer] Subcortical Segmentation

2016-10-09 Thread Raghav Mehta
Hi Bruce, I ran recon-all -all pipeline, but I am getting output in MNI space and not in native space, so question is, is there in way in which I can get output directly in native space or I have to transform them back into native space using inverse transform?? Thanks for your help. Raghav Meht

Re: [Freesurfer] Subcortical Segmentation

2016-10-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Raghav there are individual steps that can be run, but part of the strength of FreeSurfer is that the comprehensive nature of our modeling gives us greater accuracy. For example, the cortical surface models are used to automatically correct the subcortical segmentation and such. In general

[Freesurfer] Fwd: Subcortical Segmentation

2016-10-09 Thread Raghav Mehta
Hi, I am new to freesurfer. I would like to know the command for subcortical segmentation of brain MRI volume. I read on freesurfer wiki page the recon-all -autorecon2 stage is useful for this. *My question is what exact command should I use for this purpose.* I am familiar with FSL. In FSL 'FIRST

Re: [Freesurfer] qdec long parsing table to look in non-existant directory

2016-10-09 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Katherine, You need to run the data through all three steps of the longitudinal pipeline. The *.long.* directories are created in the last step (recon_all -long ... ). See also the wiki ( Google longitudinal processing freesurfer ) Best Martin On Oct 8, 2016 21:19, Katherine Damme wrote:Hello e